“Target only small markets!” Successful marketers understand this and decide to at least start out a different way. If everyone is your client then, realistically, no one is your client!
Real Tax Business Success: Tax Marketing Lesson 15: Media Mindset
TESTING ads first is one of the most important “secret weapon” strategies a tax business owner can learn. Testing also helps you secure the life-blood of your business — CASH.
Real Tax Business Success: Tax Marketing Lesson 18 – Tax Office Flow
You have your tax client in your office and you take the opportunity to “funnel” the client from one place to the next in your office with the whole purpose of increasing your overall back end and long term business.
Real Tax Business Success: Tax Marketing Lesson 20: Media Tricks
Once you’ve got a good handle on your market and your message, you’re going to want to find as many media vehicles as possible and see if you can make them work.
Real Tax Business Success: Tax Marketing Lesson 27 – Getting Direct Mail Opened
In many promotional situations we will have to use an envelope to “deliver” the sales message. Your sales message is irrelevant if your prospect never opens your letter and looks inside your envelope!
Real Tax Business Success: Tax Marketing Lesson 28 – Negotiation and Accountability
It is really important to BUY your advertising media at the best price possible. The better deal you get, the more pressure you take off your marketing and the higher the chances are for success.
Real Tax Business Success: Tax Marketing Lesson 30 – Using Subheads
When in doubt, start out with your best and most powerful headline and subheads! Now if you never get your prospect’s attention, what good is the rest of the ad going to be? (Not much.)