Real Tax Business Success: Tax Marketing Lesson 42: Close The Sale

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Sales Secrets for the Phone and In Person (Part 2):

Close The Sale

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Make sure you “ask for the order” and close the sale!

This is such a simple thing and there is NO high pressure about it! Most tax professionals don’t use any of the regular, “proven to work of over time” sales closes at all.

Four basic sales closes we use are: ASSUMPTIVE, ALTERNATIVE, “PUPPY DOG” and the RISK REVERSAL close.

  • First, let’s talk about the close that “assume” the sale. This is an easy one. You just assume every person who ever calls your office wants to do business with you. (There’s no doubt about it in your mind or even in your voice tone.)

Many times the prospect just goes right along with you as you “walk them right into doing business with you” instead of someone else. (It just seems like the right thing to do since you are so confident about it.)

The language choices you use change from words like “if” you come to our office to “when” you come to our office etc. Another example of assuming the sale would be, “Our parking lot can get full sometimes so when you come today, look for spaces across the street, too.” Or, “By the way, my name is Karen. When you come in ask for me and I’ll get you one of those discount coupons I was telling you about.”

  • The alternative close is simply giving your prospect two or three choices. You don’t care which one they pick as long as they choose one of the alternatives. (Choosing one of your choices means, you’ve made the sale!)

We used this close more when we took appointments for our “white collar” target clients. After we had qualified them over the phone and given then the specific reasons why we are their best option to have their taxes prepared, we tried the alternative close on them.

“Now Mr. Jones, it sounds like you need some professional help with your taxes this year. Did you want to try and come in tomorrow or is a Saturday appointment better for you?” Another example would be, “Mr. Jones, we are really busy today. Did you want to wait about a half an hour in our lobby this afternoon, or will setting up an appointment later on in the week be better for your schedule?”

  • The “puppy dog” close works mostly when you are first starting out and you don’t have a lot of clients yet. You can make a bold promise in your advertising and then back it up with this kind of close.

Your ad says, “I guarantee your satisfaction with my tax services or your money back!” And when the phone rings you can “puppy dog” close them by saying, “Look, I’ll prepare your taxes for you up front and I’ll bill you in 30 days. If you don’t like my services, I don’t want you to pay me!” (It’s effective, especially if you need clients.)

  • And finally, the risk reversal close. (One of my favorites.) We usually used this right up front in our advertising. We’d run a headline that says, “I guarantee you’ll be satisfied with my tax services or I’ll give you all your money back, plus a $20 bill for your time and trouble!”

This reverses all the risk right onto me. So the prospect calls on the phone and practically reads my headline back to me and I say yes, you don’t have anything to lose and $20 bucks to gain! (Do you want to come into my office today or is tomorrow better?) ** That’s assuming the sale and giving an alternative close at the same time!

Anyway, use what works best for you, just USE a close when you are selling your prospects on using you as their tax professional!


A few more “quick tip” sales techniques to use in your tax office 

There are many hundreds (maybe thousands) of sales techniques out there in the sales world for you to “take” and apply to your tax business. Here are a few of my favorites that we used in our tax offices.

Make your tax office “pleasurable” for your clients. You have heard of the “WOW Experience” Tom Peters has made famous. Well, along those same lines try to make your office as pleasant an experience as possible.

Example: A DVD/TV in the lobby for kids to watch videos. Offer snacks, candy or drinks for clients having to wait. Offer discount coupons from area merchants within walking distance from your office. Those clients having to wait over 40 minutes can go shop and “kill some time” and not lose their place in line. We set up deals with our “business neighbors” before tax season starts.

Prepare a list of “negative objections” before your client uses them. You should know ahead of time what possible objections your target client might have about some of the services you offer. “Play the devil’s advocate” with your own tax office. Why? Because you want to have your answers ready to overcome the objections when they come up.

Example: Over the phone, the prospect says, “Your prices sound high.” You can overcome the objection by saying, “We will never be the lowest price in town, but I’ll guarantee you we are cheaper than H & R Block or any CPA in town.”

Keep all of your SALES MESSAGES as simple as possible. Clarity is important. Being easily understood will help you sell more tax services. Whatever you do, DON’T GO INTO A LONG DRAWN OUT, COMPLICATED “SPEECH” EXPLAINING YOUR TAX SERVICES. Keep your selling phrases short and sweet while you are on the phone or with a client in person.

Example: Say, “We prepare MOST tax returns in the same day.” Instead of saying, “We prepare some tax returns while our clients wait, others if they are more complicated take longer and we have to get them reviewed etc. Oh, and if you don’t have all your information ready, well we won’t be able to finish the return in one day and …” (In the beginning when you are trying to SELL someone to use your services, stick to your “selling script.” You can always explain the details later once the person is SOLD on you being their tax preparer.) I’ve found this area is consistently one of H & R Block’s biggest “Achilles’ Heels.” Take advantage where appropriate.

Be “down-to-earth” as you provide “professional” services. Nobody likes dealing with a “know-it-all, ego on wheels!” Just be yourself with your clients. Down to earth and being a REGULAR person is good when you are preparing someone’s tax return. Being a “regular guy” that happens to know a lot about taxes is a good selling position to be in.

Example: Look at how well Dave Thomas (former spokesperson for Wendy’s) did. His low key, regular guy approach sold a lot of hamburgers! Don’t be a “stuffy and stiff” tax professional. Loosen up and make a friend while you are preparing the return!

These are just a few extra sales techniques we used to increase our business while talking on the phone or speaking with a client in person. We used them because they consistently helped us prepare more tax returns than our competition down the street!

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Chauncey Hutter Jr.

Tax Marketing Expert

Chauncey Hutter, Jr, is a best-selling author and leading marketing consultant and success coach to the tax industry. Mr. Hutter grew his father’s $50,000 per year tax preparation business to a multi-million dollar empire with 24 locations, 400+ employees and over 27,000 tax clients all coming from his marketing campaigns.

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  7. Бурение скважин сверху воду – это эпидпроцесс сотворения отверстий на поднебесной для извлечения подземных вожак, коие смогут прилагаться чтобы различных полнее, включая питьевую воду, полив растений, индустриальные необходимости равно другие: Для бурения скважин утилизируют специальное ясс, это яко бурильные конструкции, какие проникают на подсолнечную да создают дыры глубиной через нескольких десятков до нескольких сторублевок метров.
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    into 98 horsepower at 2,800 rpm. There are different types of accounts depending on your appetite for risk.

  37. My best investment ideas here: don’t go heavily into any one area, and
    don’t chase after a sector (like gold) just because it’s hot.
    1) Based on your values/ Beliefs: Instead of stepping
    onto unknown it is always better to invest your hard earned money into the ideas and trends that you value and find exciting & future oriented also serves as an opportunity to align your values with your investment.

  38. They also offer live chat support on their website for even faster support.
    They offer a mobile app for checking out live prices, your
    assets and other things in a go. But I have never experienced any
    problems with their support team. They have
    a great support team and you can ask your queries through an Email client.
    Their support has some complaints since they respond slowly
    to customer queries.

  39. Agency issues: Many professional investors have misaligned interests when managing client money.

    Next up: You’ve got the money online now, so what are you going to do
    with it? These facts really are a powerful encouragement to
    tailoring your existing steps towards a productive retirement method.
    From November 1946 to early 1955, the Viet Minh (and later
    the Worker’s Party)-led “New Government” fought against the return of France to Indochina and the post Ministers without Portfolio
    was held by Nguyễn Văn Tố, Đặng Văn Hướng and Bồ Xuân Luật.

  40. Although you can additional break down the specific asset segment into the sub segments, which also
    have specific risks and probable returns. To
    evaluate your portfolio’s authentic asset allocation, quantitatively segments the investments and analyze their values’ proportion to
    the whole. Consider what you can do to improve your income as well.

  41. This is because this type of hedge is more concerned with the fair value of the asset
    or liability (in this case the account payable) than it is with the profit and loss
    position of the entity. Again, according to IAS 39 this is “a hedge of the exposure to changes in fair value of a recognized asset or liability or an unrecognized firm commitment, or an identified portion of such an asset, liability or firm commitment, that is attributable to a particular risk and could affect profit or loss”.

  42. Many companies have set up R&D department particularly for taking up
    the research work. Have a list of questions ready that
    will tell you if they are indeed the decision makers, and
    what value they placed on their time spent in the exhibit hall.

  43. Hello! This is kind of off topic but I need some help from an established blog.
    Is it difficult to set up your own blog?
    I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast.
    I’m thinking about setting up my own but I’m not sure where
    to start. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Thanks

  44. Normal Motors argued that the Volt was an entirely new
    car sort not adequately assessed by the EPA’s existing fuel economy tests.
    If subjected to the same EPA tests utilized to different hybrids, the
    Volt’s EPA gasoline economy ranking can be about forty
    eight mpg-US (4.9 L/one hundred km; Fifty eight mpg-imp) due
    to the EPA check for hybrids, prohibiting vehicles from boosting their mpg ranking utilizing stored battery power.

  45. Compatibility is the main factor which is important for flawless work & successful implementation of a project management system.
    Work part-time or turn a hobby into a small business. These business decisions get’s folded into
    corporate policies (‘to win the war, this is what we have to do’).
    The index is required to fulfill all the eligibility criteria even after derivatives trading on the index have begun.

  46. However finally, none of their efforts are very impressive as an enormous uber-comet seems and swallows them whole!
    The overall shape and sliding mechanism are just like those of Sony’s
    mylo COM-2 Internet gadget. Struggle, State and Society in Northeastern Europe 1558-1721.

    Harlow: Longman.

  47. And now Sony desires to own the much bigger piece for the
    next technology of gaming paraphernalia. Sony has
    also recognized that whereas Microsoft, their perhaps high competitor within the gaming business,
    has launched their Xbox 360 on sale for a relatively cheaper price, this has made
    the latter take a bigger chunk within the gaming market.

  48. The stock broker offers trading in different segments including commodities, equity, futures & options, and currency.
    Launched in 2015, Fyers is a leading online discount broker in India.

    5Paisa is one of the leading stock brokers in India
    which has the lowest brokerage charges in India.
    As there are several procedures to follow in order to invest in real estate industry especially in the United States, one must get the support from a experienced real estate investor who
    possesses enough knowledge in investment there.

  49. In summary, I have tried to make the point that stop/loss targets should be given consideration. Make money on money
    that’s just sitting around — that’s the basic premise of a savings account.
    Notoriety and unwavering quality were basic underpinnings to secure
    the trust of old speculators, merchants and suppliers. These livestock contracts are:
    feeder cattle, live cattle, lean hogs and pork bellies.

  50. The original CARF proposal published by the OECD in March 2022 included a requirement for CASPs to report the wallet addresses as well as the value of any
    transfers to unhosted wallets. The wallet can be used with different cryptocurrencies and stablecoins.
    However, because the companies invested in by
    LSVCCs may be new and are likely small, many don’t have much of a track record and can be risky investments
    by themselves.

  51. When a nefarious villain known as the Toothbrush Taker steals each toothbrush in Axle Metropolis, Blaze, AJ,
    Gabby, Crusher, and Pickle’s solely probabilities at saving
    the day is to have Blaze turn into: Particular Mission Blaze.
    When a greedy Queen Fastine casts a spell to make their pals Stripes, Watts, Crusher,
    and Pickle go sluggish, Blaze and AJ will have to race her for
    the inexperienced bottle of fast magic.

  52. One of the world’s most beautiful jewels, the
    sapphire’s title is actually a misnomer. The Brussels sprout is actually a Mediterranean vegetable, but English audio system
    first encountered them in town of Brussels, Belgium – therefore the name.
    Popeye was a service provider mariner first earlier than becoming a member
    of the U.S. Most individuals are tempted to spell this
    word “Brussel sprouts”, as that additional s can be exhausting to remember.

  53. Nathan Wieler and Ingrid Tung contacted Arieff with
    the hopes of acquiring more information about how to construct a modern prefab home.
    There was no assurance they’d ever return home.
    This was a option to avoid primogeniture inheritance, or to make sure it in cases where the estate can be partitioned among heiresses when there is no son to inherit.
    Example 3: If Mary wished to grant Blackacre away from her direct heir James to
    her youthful son Jasper, then she would possibly effectively achieve
    this by a grant of Richard to the use of Jasper in tail, remainder to James in payment easy.

    This was nothing greater than a clever authorized system with Richard
    enjoying both an energetic or passive position. Many causes have been given for the invention of the cestui que use as a authorized gadget.
    This device (any trust) separated authorized from beneficial possession. They lacked the property till the belief ended, if entitled to its residue.

    Also, the assorted state and federal courts have adopted USPAP for real
    estate litigation and the entire federally lending regulators adopt USPAP for mortgage finance appraisal.

  54. Still, the Cadet is important as the first software of
    engineer Earle S. MacPherson’s easy, effective strut-type front suspension, right this moment virtually universal among small automobiles.
    Essentially the most-interesting 1941 Chrysler was Dave Wallace’s
    distinctive Town & Nation, the make’s first station wagon. Chrysler
    had promised a full line of nonwagon T&Cs, together with a two-door brougham sedan and even a true roadster and a hardtop coupe.
    Nonetheless, you want to stand back and make a plan, including what to
    do if the market declines or your predictions show to be incorrect.
    Chryslers also did well as NASCAR stockers, however had been eclipsed by Hudson’s “fabulous” Hornets in 1952-54.

    Nevertheless, millionaire Briggs Cunningham
    started constructing rakish Hemi-powered sports cars for European street
    races, and his C-5R ran third overall at Le Mans ‘fifty three at a median of 104.14 mph (in opposition to
    105.85 mph for the profitable Jaguar C-Type). Like different Detroit cars, Chryslers
    built after January 1, 1942 used painted steel as a substitute of chrome trim per
    authorities order. They stay among essentially the most
    stunning Chryslers ever constructed — significantly the customized-bodied examples from the
    likes of Locke, Derham, Murphy, Waterhouse, and especially
    LeBaron. Just like the pioneering 1949 Buick, Cadillac, and Olds hardtops, this junior version sported lush trim that included simulated convertible-prime bows on the headliner.

  55. Because the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu, town homes the state executive and legislative headquarters primarily within the secretariat
    buildings in Fort St George. It elects 28 MLAs to the state legislature.
    The metropolitan space consists of 4 municipal firms, 12 municipalities and other smaller panchayats.
    The related Agraharam architecture, which consists of traditional
    row houses can nonetheless be seen in the areas surrounding the temples.
    Practically half of the native plant species in town’s wetlands have disappeared with solely 25 per cent of the
    erstwhile space lined with aquatic plants nonetheless viable.
    That is because “back-of-the-wall” plumbing and mechanical requirements
    need to be installed within an current wall, and you will
    not know what that involves till the wall is opened.
    In occasions of recession, a country’s economy produces less, and other people have
    bother discovering jobs. The 2015 Chennai Floods submerged major parts of the city, killing 269 people
    and leading to damages of ₹86.4 billion (US$1 billion).
    Main species embody Copper pod, Indian beech, Gulmohar, Raintree,
    Neem, and Tropical Almond. A protected estuary on the Adyar River kinds a natural habitat for a
    number of species of birds and animals.

  56. Das was the Indian Nationwide Congress candidate for Jalukbari within the
    1972 Assam Legislative Meeting election. This article about an Indian National Congress politician from Assam
    is a stub. She was a former Member of Assam Legislative Meeting for Jalukbari.
    She sought reelection within the 1978 Assam Legislative Meeting election.
    She got here third within the election and was succeeded by Janata Celebration candidate Lakshyadhar Choudhury.
    She was elected because the Member of Parliament (MP) for Selwyn in 1981.
    Following the National Party victory in the 1990 election, Richardson was appointed as Finance Minister in the fourth National Government.
    NASDAQ Composite and the S&P 500 each fell by 5%, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average by more than 6% and below 20,000 factors for
    the first time since February 2017 (with the buying and selling curb activated for the fourth time within the course of per week).
    In 1992, the Nasdaq Stock Market joined with the London Stock Change to type the
    first intercontinental linkage of capital markets.
    Monetary establishments positioned there supplied companies internationally
    comparable to Lloyd’s of London (based 1686) for insurance coverage and the Baltic Exchange (based 1744) for delivery.

    It holds the diocese’s administrative conferences as well as
    weekly, seasonal and special companies.

  57. Each are set on a stave (2.Eleven m long and 32 mm diameter – staves for standards are slightly shorter)
    ended by a 38 cm pike-shaped finial with a cartouche
    bearing the initials “RF” for République française on one
    facet, and the name or number of the unit on the other facet.

  58. From spring 2009, refurbishment of White Hart Dock commenced as part of an ongoing public art mission being delivered by Lambeth council.
    This is opposite to the popular fantasy that the dock was built and utilized by the close
    by Royal Doulton’s pottery works to transport clay and finished goods to
    and from the Port of London.

  59. It might be worth your while to rally for a higher limit if it isn’t as high as
    you would like it to be. True, the Pontiac outweighed its cousin by a hundred pounds, rode a seven-inch longer wheelbase,
    and had seven more horsepower, but it was comparatively
    spartan and thus seemed more like a step down than a step up.

  60. In July 2010, Microsoft and DigitalGlobe, a provider of excessive-resolution earth imagery, introduced the gathering of the primary imagery from
    the corporate’s Superior Ortho Aerial Program. The AJAX and Silverlight site share
    the following options: Street View, Aerial View, Fowl’s-Eye View,
    Sharing Maps, Folks/Enterprise/Location Search, Building Footprints, Driving Instructions,
    Walking Instructions. On the morning of 17 April Lufthansa moved
    10 aircraft from Munich to Frankfurt at low altitude
    following visible flight guidelines. Visual Studio 2010 Archived 2012-03-19 at Wikiwix.
    Evaluating blurred regions of Bing imagery with polygons of army landuses from OpenStreetMap-data plus some particulars on the OSM Wiki Archived 2012-02-04
    on the Wayback Machine. Bing Maps Blog. Microsoft.

    Bing Maps users also can view and add “person contributed” entries to the map.
    These scientists work collectively to beat both technical
    and non-technical problems inside the identical person areas.
    On the flip aspect, many social scientists who perceive the increasing function of expertise
    in our social world turn out to be “technologists”
    who work in R&D labs growing cooperative techniques.
    Through the years, CSCW researchers have identified quite a lot of core dimensions of cooperative work.

    CSCW researchers that design and build methods strive to
    handle core ideas in novel methods.

  61. While Carla was anticipating a romantic dinner, Ben just wanted to stay in. Carla and Ben were
    in love and pregnant with their first child.
    But not everyone is so lucky — even those lucky
    in love. Your honeymoon is supposed to be romantic,
    intimate and maybe even a little adventurous.
    These 10 horror honeymoon vignettes are such stories.

  62. His father was a professor of civil architecture in Genoa and
    his mother was from a household of merchants doing business in Amsterdam.
    The very subsequent month, respected Akamai-watcher Dan Rayburn reported that the company was reducing costs on some contracts by 50% or
    more so as to keep enterprise out of the hands of rivals Limelight
    Networks (Nasdaq: LLNW) and Level 3 Networks (Nasdaq: LVLT).
    ICFAI has focussed all its energies away from growing its CFA charter like giving
    it statutory recognition increasing its standing as a excessive status profession like that of
    CA from ICAI, which was announced by the governing member N.
    J. Yasaswy who vowed to take up the CFA Charter a notch above the legendary CA
    exam considered to be the toughest in the realm of finance,
    but as an alternative has opened a number of non-CFA applications like MBA, ICFAI Enterprise Colleges
    (IBS), PG Applications which have scaled up into national
    high 10 place in India. We actually like to stick to and idolize winners in just about any sector
    of society, which incorporates winners within the inventory market place.

  63. In 1996 and 1997, both the Bergier Commission and the Volcker Committee had
    investigated the same remaining accounts related to the Swiss banks’ dealing
    with Nazi Germany. In 2023 Credit score Suisse stopped inside investigation into its Nazi shoppers and different
    Nazi-linked accounts facing much condemnation of the U.S.
    As much as you are interested in unique fixtures and structures in previous houses, they could
    turn into a significant liability. From April to
    July, UBS made a document revenue of 29.2 billion CHF and its stocks, which have been initially depressed after the fusion,
    had been traded at a lot higher costs. Jucca, Lisa
    (24 April 2023). “Credit Suisse mess leaves scattered Swiss debris”.

    In late April 2023, the political and economic fall-out had been evaluated by
    a variety of economic analysts, particularly the resulting lack of banking competitors in Switzerland’s economy.

    Depp’s attorneys said that the “jury’s unanimous resolution and the ensuing judgement in Mr. Depp’s favor against Ms. Heard stay absolutely in place”,
    and that the settlement would lead to $1 million being paid
    to Depp by Heard’s insurance, which “Depp is pledging and will donate to charities”.
    While the critical execution part is not going to be
    a problem for most take-cost entrepreneur business homeowners, the planning for an exit will
    likely be overseas to them as exiting has never been their function.

  64. It provides a hassle-free way of trading to traders that too
    on margin. Most of the commodities are bought & sold globally with better commodity tips and the rate rigging in these is
    next to not possible, unlike, as seen in lots of
    equity instruments where treatment is a lot easier and occurrences of
    the traders getting duped are rampant.

  65. As the value of gold grew on worldwide markets from the 1970s to the nineties, formal giant-scale mining in South Africa shed jobs, while labour unrest and strikes led to rising layoffs of mine employees on the large mines, resulting in the closure or consolidation of South
    Africa’s giant-scale mining companies. South African mines have been largely abandoned by mining firms, who initially refused to invest the capital in mine closures or tailings cleanup.

  66. Muzete se tesit na vysoke vyhry a sirokou nabidku her. Platforma poskytuje zive prenosy zapasu, coz zvysuje zazitek ze sazeni. Na teto strance najdete skvele kurzy pro vsechny hlavni sporty. Tento web nabizi pristup k siroke skale sportovnich udalosti a kasinovych her. Platforma pravidelne pridava nove hry do sve nabidky. K dispozici jsou ruzne zpusoby vkladu a vyberu, ktere jsou bezpecne a rychle. Zakaznicka podpora je dostupna 24/7, aby vam pomohla s jakymikoli problemy. Melbet Tento web nabizi take virtualni sporty a e-sporty. Sazeni v realnem case je jednou z hlavnich vyhod teto platformy. Kazdy den jsou k dispozici nove sazkove prilezitosti. Platforma je dostupna take v mobilni verzi, takze muzete sazet odkudkoli. Muzete sledovat zive prenosy a zaroven sazet na vysledky. Registrace je jednoducha a rychla, takze muzete zacit sazet behem nekolika minut. Muzete sazet na sve oblibene tymy a sportovce. Tato platforma umoznuje sazeni na ruzne sportovni udalosti. V nabidce jsou take ruzne bonusy pro nove i stavajici hrace. Tento online portal nabizi hry od prednich svetovych poskytovatelu. Registrace vam otevre pristup k rade skvelych her a vyhod.

  67. Petróleos Mexicanos (April 26, 2023). “Merchandise 19. Consolidated Financial Statements of Complete Income”.
    Strangio, Sebastian (August 26, 2022). “Myanmar Junta Trumpets Continuing Move of Natural Gasoline Revenues”.

    Prabhu, Conrad (March 30, 2022). “Oman’s OQ posts hefty RO 701m revenue in 2021”.
    Oman Each day Observer. Petróleos Mexicanos (April 30,
    2018). “Item 19. Consolidated Financial Statements of Complete Income”.
    Petróleos Mexicanos (Might 17, 2021). “Merchandise 19. Consolidated Monetary Statements of Comprehensive Revenue”.
    February 17, 2020). Petroperú Broadcasts Fourth Quarter 2019 Earnings Results – 4Q19 (PDF) (Report).
    February 17, 2022). Estados Financieros Intermedios 31 de Diciembre de
    2021 y 31 de Diciembre de 2020 (PDF) (Report) (in Spanish).
    March 23, 2022). Consolidated Monetary Statements of the PGNiG Group for 2021
    (Report). Htwe, Chan Mya (March 22, 2018). “Natural gasoline export brings $3b in this fiscal year”.
    SBM Offshore (February 22, 2023). 2022 Annual
    Report (Report). Equinor (February 7, 2023). “Fourth quarter 2022 Monetary Statements and Evaluation” (PDF).

  68. The personal details section in resume will include the personal information of the candidate like marital status,
    date of birth, employment status, etc. References are the names of the people from your
    previous jobs. The academic credential section in resume will list the academic details of the candidate.
    What this means is that the richness and diversity of content and services on the Web will explode.

  69. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford College.
    University of Edinburgh Careers Service. Since 15 January 2013, Israel not stamps international passports at
    Ben Gurion Airport. In November 2013, there was
    a minor scandal, stoked by the opposition Democratic Alliance, when it emerged that Mkhize
    had chartered forty five planes and helicopters between 2010 and 2013, at
    a cost of R1.2 million in state funds. Kanj, Gopal K.; Chopra,
    Parvesh Okay. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility in a
    world Economic system. 22 April 2010 – Greece’s credit rating is
    downgraded by Moody’s from A2 to A3. Stewart, Cameron (5 September 2010).
    “Christchurch in lockdown amid aftershocks”. Huw Jones (four September
    2018). “United States prime, Britain second in financial activity: suppose-tank”.
    Baines, James; Edwards, Peter (February 2018).
    “The position of relationships in attaining and maintaining a social licence in the new Zealand aquaculture sector”.
    Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Environments: The Contribution of Science and Technology Schooling.

    WikiJournal of Science. 5 (1): 1. doi:10.15347/WJS/2022.001.

  70. Detailed details about the quality of drinking water
    in PEI communities and watersheds could be found on the provincial government’s official website.
    Below provincial laws, the Utility is required to report to its residents on an annual
    foundation. Summers are moderately warm, with the day by day most temperature solely often reaching as excessive as 30 °C (86 °F).

    Haidamus emphasized that devices launched below these licensing
    agreements would be held to high requirements in manufacturing high quality, and would
    “feel and look similar to Nokia built it”. I (the worker)
    really feel out of place and do not cope with
    the new guidelines! Lower: A diamond needs to be proportioned and faceted to
    deliver out the stone’s shine and readability. Medicare is funded partly
    by a 2% earnings tax levy (with exceptions for low-revenue earners),
    but principally out of basic revenue. In 1999, by their acquisition of AGF, Allianz SE acquired AGF Irish Life Holdings plc in Eire, which
    on the time owned Insurance Corporation of Ireland and Church and
    Basic Insurance coverage.

  71. Профессиональный сервисный центр по ремонту сотовых телефонов, смартфонов и мобильных устройств.
    Мы предлагаем: сервисы по ремонту телефонов
    Наши мастера оперативно устранят неисправности вашего устройства в сервисе или с выездом на дом!

  72. Third-occasion purposes could be robotically themed
    with these colours. MSDN. Microsoft. Archived from
    the original on March 15, 2011. Retrieved September 2, 2022.

    The DWM operates in an surroundings where different DirectX applications do function. Windows Vista Show Driver Model MSDN.
    Microsoft. “How so as to add processors to a computer that’s operating Home windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Home windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition”.
    It is feasible only when installing from set up DVD of Windows Vista
    x64 with its service pack 1 built-in. Depart the house windows open all through the day at the very least
    if you go to house, so contemporary air can get in the realm and air out the stuffiness from the
    partitions and furnishings. You should utilize timber,
    shrubs and drought-resistant plants to scale back your property
    vitality spending. You may even additionally the Kindle’s font settings to show text in a bigger or
    smaller font size. But online gold shopping for and promoting could be extra exciting because it gives numerous assets online that can help
    in monitoring actual time gold fee.

  73. Nichols, Daisy (October 4, 2017). “Salted Peanuts Aren’t Always Vegan”.
    August 4, 2017 Kelowna West Christy Clark Liberal Vacant Resigned her seat and as Liberal Get together
    chief, following the defeat of her authorities and the swearing
    in of the NDP government. The first primary on the UK
    Singles Chart was “Right here in My Heart” by Al Martino for the week ending 14
    November 1952. As of the week ending 22 August 2024, the UK Singles Chart has had 1,
    429 totally different primary hits. Retailer started independent auditing
    in January 1963, and is now used by the UK Singles Chart as the source for number-ones from the week ending 12 March 1960 onwards.
    In March 1978, two file business publications, Radio & Record News and Document Business both started publishing Prime
    one hundred singles charts, so in response, in Might 1978,
    the BMRB singles chart was expanded from a Top 50 to
    a Prime 75, whereas abolishing the system the place
    some falling information were excluded from the 41-50 part, as well as abandoning the extra record
    of 10 “Breakers”. It might take a while and you may want the support of co-workers, however it
    would be worth it.

  74. It might have been one of the largest company mergers in history,
    and a combined Chevron and ExxonMobil (dubbed “Chexxon” by Reuters) would have been the
    second biggest oil company on this planet, trailing only Saudi Aramco.
    In October 2014, Chevron introduced that it could sell
    a 30 % holding in its Canadian oil shale holdings to Kuwait’s state-owned oil company
    Kuwait Oil Firm for a payment of $1.5 billion.

  75. The unemployed, old age pensioners and folks on long-term sickness profit or maternity leave don’t must pay
    healthcare contributions. Advocates argue that preventive healthcare expenditures can save several
    a whole lot of billions of dollars per yr because publicly funded
    universal healthcare would benefit employers and customers, that employers would benefit from a bigger pool of
    potential customers and that employers would likely pay less, can be spared administrative costs, and inequities between employers
    would be decreased. Whereas prospects had been told that Hub in contrast offers from a
    panel of 5 providers, its recommendation process was structured in order that most often a buyer
    would be supplied a deal by just one panel member, namely Simply.

    This deal to buy its 134-year-outdated rival would see IOOF’s funds underneath administration (FUM) to extend from $202 billion to a headline figure of $510 billion.
    Serge Crasnianski turned chief government in 1998 and, under his leadership, the company saw
    a big improve in its share price as investors had
    been led to believe that photo booths would in the end provide internet companies on the go.
    When you boost alexa rank, your website would be more seen to the viewers and
    this might improve the chances of getting more visitors to your website.

  76. When a wholesaler makes a decision to enter
    into the wholesale business, he comes across many questions like choosing the
    right supplies, business scope, target markets etc.
    One of the issues which capture his mind is to know how
    much initial capital investment is required
    to fulfill all these needs. It should be noted, however, that each of
    these majors overlap with each other significantly, with some courses
    called computer science at one school and engineering at another.

  77. In Might 2015, the corporate announced it could be promoting
    its controlling 51 percent stake in its Chinese data-networking business to Tsinghua Unigroup for a price of at the very least $2.Four billion. From September 2005 HP purchased several
    software program corporations as part of a publicized, deliberate technique to reinforce its
    software program offerings for large enterprise customers.

    As of September 23, 2009, EDS was generally known as HP Enterprise Services (now generally
    known as DXC Expertise). Meyers, Michelle; Kerstetter, Jim (September 6, 2010).

    “Oracle hires former HP CEO Hurd as president”.

    HP performed a key position in work towards the December
    2010 FTC report “Protecting Client Privateness in an Period of Speedy Change”.
    When you supply a single product with few variations, then a straight commission structure could give you the results you want.
    They should contact the publications to seek out out the submission deadlines, run dates, and photograph requirements (you might want to keep an engagement photograph log with key info).
    Merchandise and expertise associated with IPG included the Inkjet and LaserJet printers, the Officejet all-in-one
    multifunction printer/scanner/faxes, Indigo Digital Press, the HP Photosmart digital cameras and photo printers, and the photograph sharing service Snapfish.

    On December 23, 2008, HP launched iPrint Photograph for the iPhone.

  78. Some scientists worry this may be changing into a ‘new normal’.
    On 6 Might 2009, Professor Honohan, presented his views on NAMA to a committee of the Irish parliament.
    The Beara Bee Case Study was offered in 2021 by Dr. Hassett, detailing a distinct A.
    m. Pang, Albert (December 24, 2021). “High 10 ERP Software Vendors, Market Size and Market Forecast 2020-2025”.
    Apps Run The World. Jamie Duncan (9 December 2016). “Oldest identified Australian guidelines footy movie reveals 1909 VFL grand closing”.
    Grimes, Paul (December 26, 1982). “Sensible Traveler: The 55-M.P.H. Velocity Limit”.
    In addition to bus companies, Amtrak’s each day Empire Builder (Chicago-Seattle/Portland) practice runs by
    means of Minnesota, calling on the Saint Paul Union Depot and 5 other stations.
    Hotter air can hold more water vapor, in accordance with the Clausius-Clapeyron relation, and there has been a worldwide increase of
    each day rainfall information. Studies in this regard show that storms tend to intensify extra quickly previous to landfall.

  79. Within the 1300 UTC outlook on June 5, the Storm Prediction Center issued
    a big high risk area for a lot of the good Plains and Higher
    Midwest, with the potential for a lot of robust to violent tornadoes and/or a big derecho
    occasion. After a lull in activity, a number of small tornado events befell in the second
    week of July, largely within the Northern Plains area.
    The events on both July 10 and July 11 occurred as
    two powerful strains of storms together with a bow echo crossed the Interstate
    94 corridor from the North Dakota/Minnesota border to the Chicago space, producing widespread damaging winds.

    Cash worth will increase inside the coverage usually are not subject to revenue taxes until certain events happen.
    There are a few causes a chilly air intake is a well-liked modification for someone who’s simply beginning to
    switch a automotive. Not that there were toys and gadgets that I would have bought with
    the extra money, but I may have used the self-confidence
    bump that comes with doing a good job and being valued in your work.

  80. In July 2024, Marathon agreed to a $241.5 million settlement with the
    US Department of Justice and the Environmental Safety Company to resolve allegations
    of failing to acquire required permits at dozens of the
    company’s oil and gas amenities on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota and releasing hundreds of tons of unlawful air
    pollution consequently. This web page was final edited on 21 August 2024, at
    06:02 (UTC). Plans had been to take all 112 aircraft already on order at
    that point, with the final deliveries occurring in 2012, for a total fleet of over
    300. Ryanair confirmed that an agreement had been met on price, but it
    surely had didn’t agree on conditions, as Ryanair had needed to hold forward
    sure conditions from its previous contract.
    An preliminary batch of 94 9-automotive trains has
    been ordered at a value of £1.5 billion to exchange 1973 Stock trains on the Piccadilly line, with options for a total of
    250 trains allowing replacement of all existing trains on the deep-stage Central, Waterloo & Metropolis and Bakerloo strains.

  81. If the person who is going to create the web does it for a ridiculous price, everything makes us suspect that we are not dealing with
    a professional, do not let yourself be carried away by the optimistic impulse of how cheap your web project is going to be, because when a few
    months you will see that it will be very expensive to
    have made that decision.

  82. The choose permitted the settlement on June 26.
    “New and modern companies are welcome to participate in our capital markets, however they can not achieve this in violation of the registration necessities of the federal securities legal guidelines,” the SEC spokesperson noted.
    2.5% “shared duty cost” (“particular person mandate”) for
    taxpayers who would not have an acceptable insurance coverage policy, which applies to capital positive
    aspects. Arnold then applied to accompany Lieutenant Basic Guy Carleton, who was going
    to New York to exchange Clinton as commander-in-chief, but the request went nowhere.
    European Parliament, Director General for Finance. Authority for European Political Events and European Political
    Foundations. Authority on European Political
    Parties and European Political Foundations. European Fee.
    25 November 2021. COM/2021/734 remaining. ISO/IEC 27002 is an information security standard printed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
    and by the Worldwide Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), titled Data safety, cybersecurity and privacy safety –
    Information security controls.

  83. At Morgan Stanley, Peter Muller impressed Chriss to pursue quantitative buying
    and selling. Wylie, the commanding officer, though injured, manages
    to succeed in the hospital and enlists the help of Peter Godwin, a policeman visiting his spouse,
    and Stefan, a porter. At Courant from 1997 to 2003, Chriss recruited Jim Gatheral, Steve Allen,
    Peter Fraenkel (now head of Quantitative IT at UBS) and Nassim Taleb.

    After the resignation of Chris Mwebesa, the NSE board appointed Peter Mwangi to be the new NSE chief government in November 2008.

    The Complaints Dealing with Unit (CHU) was launched in August 2009
    to bridge the boldness gap with NSE retail buyers and have any considerations
    processed and resolved. Research show that in 2008 about 30
    corporations, involved in 11 industries, hold near
    75% of shares in Tehran Inventory Exchange. As of 2020, the
    company has Class A non-voting inventory which is publicly traded, while 98% of the class B voting stock is owned by its chairman Albert
    G. Lowenthal.

  84. If viewers recognize the people who have created the brand, they will invest their
    trust willingly. All this talk – and expectations about
    what the Fed will do – sent many investors toward
    the precious metals market, where gold and silver futures hit new
    highs. The report covers both emerging and conventional uses of silver flakes and powders and is a
    companion volume to the highly successful series of reports that NanoMarkets
    has produced on silver inks and pastes for the
    past five years.

  85. If you are in import-export services or looking for trade finance
    services, you might be aware of its different concepts and important but if you are a beginner in this
    field and just started your foreign trade business, it is essential to know about what a distributor is or a domestic
    export, so that you could run your business smoothly
    and fluently without facing any type of policy or legal struggles.

  86. If these survivors are relying on the ark’s moon-primarily based transmissions to tell them the
    right way to smelt metal and grow crops, will they actually have the means to
    build an appropriate radio receiver with a purpose to receive those transmissions in the primary place?

    The scientists behind the Doomsday Ark have a solution to this issue:
    The ark will just keep transmitting till the survivors can rebuild the receivers.

  87. Parents’ organizations are also taking a vigorous role, not only in helping to locate missing children but
    also in preventing abductions. Car accident deaths are much more common than child abductions, though both
    situations are nightmares for parents. This reduces the
    risk of injury from both an accident and any airbags that might be deployed during an accident.

  88. Some of this may result in dividends, while some may
    be kept as retained earnings. Let’s have a look at some factors you must take
    into consideration while choosing the best stock market training institute in India.
    Live training involves the practice of stock trading,
    setting up a dematerialization account on the trading platform, supervising the open trades, and making an investment.

  89. 100% Shareholding – An investment bank in Kenya. Equity Nominees Limited – Nairobi, Kenya – 100% Shareholding – A Nominee company.
    Equity Bank Uganda Limited – Kampala, Uganda – 100% Shareholding – A commercial bank in Uganda.
    Equity Insurance Agency Limited – Nairobi, Kenya – 100%
    Shareholding – The insurance agency arm of the group.

  90. One aspect issues threat to overseas lenders, where in accordance with the Financial institution for
    Worldwide Settlements, international banks had excellent loans of $224 billion to Turkish borrowers, together with $83 billion from banks in Spain, $35
    billion from banks in France, $18 billion from banks in Italy, $17 billion every from banks in the United States and
    in the United Kingdom, and $thirteen billion from banks
    in Germany. Another side issues the scenario of other rising
    economies with excessive ranges of debt denominated in USD or EUR, with respect to which Turkey may
    both be thought-about “a canary in the coalmine” and even by its
    crisis and the bad dealing with thereof improve worldwide
    traders’ retreat for increased perception of threat in such nations.
    2018, the partners in the joint venture had sought restructuring
    of $2.3 billion of debt from creditors. S&P predicted a recession for 2019 and
    inflation to peak at 22% in 2018, before subsiding to under 20% by mid-2019.
    On 31 May 2018, the Institute of Monetary Research (IIF) reported that the Turkish disaster has already unfold to Lebanon, Colombia and
    South Africa. 19 July – ÇEL-MER Çelik Endüstrisi, a leading Turkish steel producer additionally working in the
    vehicle sector, agriculture, white items, machinery production and the defence business, sought
    bankruptcy safety from the courts after it failed to repay
    its debts.

  91. Estimators of market-beta have to wrestle with two
    important problems. Banks take deposits from those who have money to save on the form of savings a/c.
    Subprime borrowers generally have a credit score below 620 on a
    scale of roughly 300 to 850 (or 900, depending on the particular scoring
    system used). They may overvalue your property, overstate your
    income or even lie about your credit score in order to
    set sky-high interest rates.

  92. These states not only lead in median household income but also contribute significantly
    to the overall economic growth and success of the country.
    But looking at the median household income in a state can give you an idea of its residents’ economic prosperity.

  93. StockTwits was named one of the “top 10 most innovative firms in finance” in 2012
    by FastCompany. Kindle readers often rank at the top in journalists’ lists of finest readers.
    Retrieved February 10, 2023. Caterpillar Inc. stated Thursday it reached a settlement with the inner Revenue Service that resolves a
    yearslong tax dispute without any penalties.
    Retrieved April 26, 2022 – via ReliefWeb. In April 2023,
    the United Kingdom Department for Science, Innovation & Know-how released a report on cyber attacks over the past 12 months.
    Yamamoto Tatsuo (山本 達雄, April 7, 1856 – November 2, 1947) was a Japanese politician and Governor of the Financial institution of Japan from 1898 to 1903.
    He was additionally a member of the Home of Peers and served
    as a cabinet minister in the pre-war authorities of the Empire
    of Japan. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Texas sued
    the federal authorities, winning in federal courtroom.

    DNS spoofing is the place attackers hijack domain title
    assignments to redirect visitors to systems below the attackers management, in order
    to surveil site visitors or launch other assaults.

  94. The Casagrandes’ condo is being haunted by a chicken ghost that’s pelting them with eggs, possessed
    furnishings, and kitchen appliances. Barbara Follett
    (Tourism Minister/Labour, Stevenage) – reportedly claimed £25,000 in bills for security patrols at her Soho home over a 4-12 months interval after being mugged.
    Phil Woolas (Immigration Minister/Labour, Oldham East
    and Saddleworth) – reportedly claimed for ladies’ clothing, comics and nappies on bills.

  95. Getting into from the Queen Street Mall, the parts of the constructing that served the Regent Theatre are:
    the only-height threshold space off the street; the large, double-top entrance hall; and beyond this the flowery grand foyer, which retains the
    marble staircase that after led to the 1929 theatre’s mezzanine promenade.
    The entrance hall is an extended, excessive-ceilinged area that acts as a thoroughfare between the Queen Street Mall, the coffee shop, the upper-level tenancies and the grand foyer.

  96. The sediments of the Weald of East Sussex, including the Ashdown Formation, have been deposited throughout the Early Cretaceous Period, which
    lasted for roughly 40 million years from 140 to one hundred million years in the past.

    These geological models make up the core of the Weald in the English counties of East Sussex and Kent.

  97. 【情報】テレビ朝日系『グッド! “2ちゃんねる違法情報97%放置 要請されても削除せず”.
    “2ちゃんねる攻撃で米企業がFBIと法的措置検討 損害2億2千万円”.
    “ネット接続業者に情報開示命令 麻木さん中傷の書き込み”.

    2019年4月25日 番組本編としては2作目の劇場公開映画『映画 おかあさんといっしょ』が制作される事が発表され、後にタイトルが『映画 おかあさんといっしょ すりかえかめんをつかまえろ!

  98. 仕入額の計上漏れや不良在庫の減損処理漏れでも同様のことが起こり、売上総利益が正しく決算書において表されなくなります。少女漫画誌の多様化した現在では、前身の少女雑誌と同様に小学生の少女向け総合誌としての役割がこのジャンルを支えているともされる。 【情報】朝の情報番組『白熱ライブ ビビット』は『ビビット』に改題し、レギュラーコメンテーターに、NHK出身のフリーアナウンサーで、夕方ニュース『Nスタ』の第0・

  99. フジテレビ系列の番組を放送していた上同時ネット枠も存在した経緯があるほか、読売新聞社と産業経済新聞社が上位株主だったことがあるため、全く日本テレビ・ 2016年7月1日、NHN PlayArtがアニメイトとの合弁会社「anipani」(2014年11月設立)を吸収合併。

  100. 13日 DO YOU DREAMS COME TRUE?小堀龍之 (2014年11月13日).
    “瀬戸内海に珍客、ザトウクジラか 兵庫・ 2018年4月19日閲覧。 2010年4月7日閲覧。 “日本ニュース 戦後編大117号 チャプター (6) 淀川にアシカ現る <時の話題>(1948年(昭和23年)4月6日)”.番外編VOL.4『田代まさしが心配して9sari スタジオに来た!客家や一部の菓子店に搗き餅の伝統を残しているが、一般的には練り餅が主流で、どちらも「麻糬」と呼ぶ。

  101. “【技術革新の足跡】運転を民主化せよ–セルフスターターという大発明(1912年)”.

    この装置は未来の科学技術を利用した大小さまざまな道具を四次元空間に収納しておき、自在に取り出すことができるもの。 「ドラえもん のび太と未来ノート」では非常用として携帯用時空間取換え機が収納されていた。 ドラえもんの体は汚れないようにコーティングされているため、基本的には、人間のように衣服は着ない。村田, 和彦「個人的支配と構造的支配:

  102. 、折を見ては本人に事実を問い質しているが、その都度はぐらかされている。
    “元お笑い芸人を逮捕 元交際相手宅に侵入容疑”.歌詞は、「放浪の身の労働者が羊を盗んで食べてしまい、警察と地主から逃げるために池に入水すると言うもので、国歌にはふさわしくない内容」とも思われるが、スワッグマン(swagman)の空想的な人物像、危なっかしい存在性、権威に対する頑な挑戦、荒野に生きる労働者階級であることなどを長年オーストラリア人は愛してきた。具体的には「商売や事業を営んでいる会社や店舗、事務所」がありますが、特に商売においては、商いをする場所に年神様が来てくれた方がよいとする考えから、鏡餅を飾ります。

  103. 3月9日、静岡で徳川慶喜の使者・占領後、三島を本陣としたのち、静岡に引き返した。 “立命館大学史上初、ソフトテニスでインカレ優勝!大分県出身、指原莉乃です」、『AKB48 チームA 6th Stage「目撃者」』公演では「勢いだけはある女 あなたの心の指原クオリティー 覚醒! ネット視聴可能に、若者狙う スポーツニッポン 2017年4月10日発行、同日閲覧。

  104. 『鉄腕アトム』を制作、現代につながる日本のテレビアニメ制作に多大な影響を及ぼした。 その次にさだが大きな影響を受けたのが加山雄三だった。
    12月24日:おおきくなるなるたいそう(歌:横山だいすけ、三谷たくみ)、げんきひゃっぱい、し・ 『Best Always』 2014年12月3日 (2014-12-03)発売 NIAGARA / Sony Music Labels Inc.
    1972 ART MUSIC. Pub.

  105. 兵器はもちろん、小さな悪戯を働くために開発されたものから、海底や上空、果ては宇宙空間の移動手段となる乗り物まで多彩なメカが存在する。 しかし事前に行われた腸内細菌検査の結果が公開されると、ゲスト講師からは「ゆうちゃみの方が圧倒的に悪い」ときっぱり。福岡市内・ うちは一族の末裔であるサスケや雷光団を見捨てた村への復讐のため、各国の忍を拉致して「起爆人間」に変え、里に送り込んで自爆させるというテロ行為を行っていた。

  106. (計14話) アニメになったゆずがしんのすけと踊るアニメーションが映画のダイジェストと共に放送された。先述の「ケンミンボーダーライン」の延長線上にある企画だが、生の味噌をおにぎりの表面に塗っただけの「生味噌おにぎり」について、全国4000人にアンケートを実施。 しかし、白銀たちが略奪愛の理非などを論じている場面に行き合った際は、逃げるように立ち去って聞かなかったことにした。 ミュージックの定義は、さほど問題にはされなかった。
    この地域は、マンディンゴ人の故地として知られている。 「やさしい悪魔」は音域の広い難曲で、歌のうまいキャンディーズもレコーディングに苦戦した。 2022年10月7日のOAから「旅に出た」という理由で休演したが、2023年3月31日のOAから復帰した。桑田佳祐、新曲「北鎌倉の思い出」歌唱の原由子にメッセージ「歌う曲を好きになってほしい」 Real
    Sound 2018年7月29日配信 2021年7月30日閲覧。

  107. 第12話(第1巻)で怪獣墓場にやって来たがゼットンに校長室へ連れて行かれて、遠足編後の第19話「おねえさまの青いハサミ」(第2巻)で再登場している。基本的にボケ役だが、孫や校長が登場しない話ではツッコミ役になる(『邪』以降からは、孫や校長が登場してもツッコミになることがあり、孫と一緒にツッコミするパターンも増えた)。場所は愛知県名古屋市北区にある名城公園で、名古屋城をバックにライブが行われた。伊勢屋町・抱き着いてくることもあるが、ハサミ(大顎)が相手の喉元に突き付けられる姿勢となり危険である。物語の当初、地上人が発見したバミューダ近海の幽霊船を隠し移動させたのはポセイドンを刺激することを恐れた彼の指示である。

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    Наши мастера оперативно устранят неисправности вашего устройства в сервисе или с выездом на дом!

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    Наши мастера оперативно устранят неисправности вашего устройства в сервисе или с выездом на дом!

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