Welcome to the Crash Course: Lesson 1 – Let’s Discuss Your Tax Business

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Now that you’re getting started with the Tax Marketing Crash Course, I actually want you to stop right now. Take a deep breath.

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My business was just like yours at one point, and we all know that feeling of pressure—heck, even covetousness—as we look at somebody else’s success. And it’s not a good feeling. So stop reading and spend some time in GRATITUDE for where you are right now. You’ll find that you’ll be able to go through this material with a much lighter heart after you take that time.

You back now? Good.

Hey, there’s a lot of stuff here in my Crash Course so I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. It’s important that you keep your mind AND your heart on top of your game, and NOT let the demons of doubt and discouragement come at you while you embark on this journey with me. This Crash Course is going to be just what the doctor ordered, in terms of getting your tax business on an entirely new footing.

You may be feeling the pressure and needing to have a “good” tax season this year or you might be financially burdened with some debt you’ve been trying to get off your back for a while.

Or, maybe you already have a massively successful high-volume tax or accounting practice, but it has “leveled off” now and you feel like you (and your tax business) have hit a wall. It happens to the best of us. Little or no growth. You need a breakthrough!

Well, if you fall into any of these categories, you are not alone. Even if you are just some regular tax business owner that’s not financially strapped, but just would like to have a “better-than-average” tax business just to put a few extra bucks in your pocket at the end of tax season, you’ve come to the right place.

You see, in this “Tax Biz Success Crash Course” you’ll find the answers you’re looking for no matter what situation you are in now … or where you want to go in the future. But before I take you down this road, I want to expand on some of the basic problems tax business owners have when they get their hands on our Crash Course material. (I’ve already alluded to a few)

First of all, some of you will bring a certain level of fear. Fears like …

• Can I actually do this? (The answer is: of course you can.) Did you know just by seeking me out and taking the time to read my tax business success material, you are ALREADY way ahead of 80% of all the other tax business owners in this country—the TOP 20%. You are already DOING what most everyone else in the tax industry is NOT and will NEVER do. You are seeking help from an expert who has been where you want to go before.

• Will I understand it? (You better believe it!) How do I know? It doesn’t take a genius to follow my step by step action plan, learning from my mistakes ahead of time. If I don’t speak plainly and clearly enough for you, just let me know, by emailing our Real Tax Business Success office at [email protected].

• What if I fail? If there is one thing that I have learned as I have watched the successful growth of tax businesses to the Million Dollar Level (ask any other top successful business owner in any other industry and they’ll tell you the same thing) you FAIL your way into it!“Failing” is no big deal. I don’t even look at a mistake as a failure, I see it as a RESULT. You get good results and bad results. You learn, and go on. (But, in your case I’ve gotten enough “bad results” that your path to success will be MUCH easier than mine ever was!)

Your Tax Business (Or Anything Else In Your Life) Will NOT Change For The Better …

Unless YOU Decide To Change For The BETTER!

The biggest mistake you could ever make is to read through this Crash Course and NOT do anything with it! To get results, you gotta DO something! We’ve got a step-by-step system for you to follow outlined in great detail in this course and it is PROVEN to be very effective, but ONLY if you use the material.

If you’re ready to make some changes in how you run your tax business (maybe even run your life) then you’ve come to the right place. We’re in the business of first helping tax business owners “see” their problems and then showing them the best ways to fix ’em!

Ready … Set … GO!

There’s a lot of stuff in this Course and a lot of good ideas to implement that will make you money. But don’t be overwhelmed. As you read over the success secrets, you’ll find some ideas that really apply to your situation, while others seem to be good as well, but you might not be ready for them yet.

That’s OK. You see, my advice is to mark the steps you feel your tax business will need and use the most so you can go back to them later to review. This Process was designed so you could read and re-read the material—but also get it in the right order, at the right time. There is so much information here, you actually can’t do it all in one tax season!

Just review it bit by bit and you’ll have plenty to do for this tax season.

That’s why I say: “Pick out 5 or 10 things from the Crash Course that have the highest priority for you and your tax business. Then you will have a better chance of implementing your most productive ideas first!”

I’m looking forward to working with you as you grow your tax business. Please fill me in on YOUR success story as it unfolds!


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Chauncey Hutter Jr.

Tax Marketing Expert

Chauncey Hutter, Jr, is a best-selling author and leading marketing consultant and success coach to the tax industry. Mr. Hutter grew his father’s $50,000 per year tax preparation business to a multi-million dollar empire with 24 locations, 400+ employees and over 27,000 tax clients all coming from his marketing campaigns.

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